
St. 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡


生物固体是废水处理过程的自然副产品. 成堆的固体废物, 哪些必须妥善处理, 传统上是焚烧还是填埋. 当圣城. Petersburg wanted to turn their biosolids management into an emerging form of revenue, 他们依靠哈斯克尔的帮助.

澳门足彩app helped the city harness innovation to reduce waste and generate income.

作为处于危险中的施工经理, 澳门足彩app helms the 西南水回收设施’s Biosolids Waste to Energy project. 作为项目的一部分, the facility is being modified to include new primary clarifiers and a splitter box, 新消化器, 增稠设备改造, 一个新的脱水设备, 气味控制和沼气升级系统. 随着改进, the facility can produce Class AA biosolids (the highest quality) using a temperature-phased anaerobic digestion (TPAD) process.


该设施生产的AA级生物固体将满足美国标准.S. EPA’s guidelines for fertilizer and the biogas created can be used to power the plant, 然而, the excess of both products can be sold to generate additional revenue. Key process improvements will also produce significant operational savings for the city. 而不是创建多余的生物固体管理程序, sludge from two other process plants will be processed in the improved facility.

  • 两个新的主澄清剂
  • 两个新的厌氧消化器
  • 沼气升级系统
  • 产生的AA生物固体
  • 结合热 & 利用沼气发电
  • Biogas generated can be used to power the plant, reducing operating costs

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