Teresa Lewis recently celebrated her 40th work anniversary with Benham, a 澳门足彩app Company, 她说她无法想象自己还能做什么.

October 6, 2023


她说她喜欢她的工作, appreciates the supportive work environment and has built strong relationships. 她无法想象自己还能做什么.


1983年值得注意的原因有很多. 迈克尔·杰克逊发布了专辑《澳门皇冠app》. 莎莉·莱德成为第一位进入太空的女性. Microsoft released Word. 特蕾莎·刘易斯第一次报到在贝纳姆工作, 在那里她被带到楼上公司的打字池. 

“I remember everyone was just so nice and friendly,” she said of her first day of work. “随着我在那里工作的时间越来越长, it became more and more apparent that I was going to be here for a long time.”


早在她在贝纳姆的任期过半之前, 该公司于2016年被澳门足彩app收购, Lewis had climbed the administrative assistant ranks and was ready for a new challenge. 听从同事的建议, she attended night school and earned the credentials to move into estimating.    

多年来,她参与了许多项目. She works primarily on Federal jobs – she’s estimated military hangars from Alaska to Pennsylvania to Florida – but occasionally branches out Benham’s markets and takes on projects like the construction of Oklahoma City’s arena and, later, 升级改造,使之成为NBA雷霆队的主场.

她说她喜欢她的工作, appreciates the supportive work environment and has built strong relationships. 她无法想象自己还能做什么. 

“It’s the people. I have good friends. 我 有一种联系,”她说. “It’s a good place to work.”

Dedication to her job, commitment to the industry and allegiance to Benham are simply part of her DNA. 跟建筑有关的事也一样.

“我家里的每个人都在同一个地方工作,”她说. “My brother started working at an electrical contracting company 37 years ago. My dad worked for the same company for probably 37 years before and then went on to buy his own paint store. 所以,这是一种被灌输的东西.” 

Lewis’s daughter Sydney has been with her company for nine years now. 

As for the future, she’s not sure whether or not she’ll make it to her Golden Anniversary. However, when Lewis does retire, she’s hoping to spend more time tooling around on her standup paddleboard, 公司给她的35周年纪念礼物.

“我喜欢用我的桨板,”她说. “这是有史以来最好的礼物之一.”

以表彰她40年的服务, she received a gift card, 她打算明年夏天去阿拉斯加巡游. 

Already an avid volunteer, Lewis said she’d also like to volunteer full-time in retirement.

Her selfless acts, 比如成为救世军的敲钟人, 与仁人家园合作, 为当地的食物银行服务, 麦当劳之家和她的教堂, have not gone unnoticed.  

Last year, Lewis received 澳门足彩app’s Living the Values Award for embodying 澳门足彩app’s core values of Team, Excellence and Trust. It’s clear that she also represents dedication, allegiance and commitment.

澳门足彩app公司的Benham正在招聘! 探索许多可用的选项 to join a growing company committed to offering the BEST job of your life by honoring the balance between work and family.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

Promoting and expanding diversity and inclusion is a strategic pillar of 澳门足彩app’s long-term vision and is foundational to creating a team member experience of significance, success and satisfaction. 澳门足彩app Together is our intentional and consistent initiative to promote open dialogue and bring about positive change.

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